Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time to Ring in 2012 & Celebrate our Anniversary!

We spent the day at the hotel pool and welcoming some more friends and family to the hotel.  It was great to relax the day away and have everyone over to our rooms to ring in the new year! 

Happy Anniversary to the happy couple! :) :) :)

The kid's rang in the new year too...just a little earlier!

Some of my girlfriends who came to celebrate with us!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Unexpected Hospital Visit

I got a phone call at work from my Dr. advising that after reviewing my ultrasound, she wanted me to leave work and head over to the Elmhurst Birthing Center.  I went right over and got hooked up to all the machines to monitor the baby for a for a while and then an IV for some extra fluids.  Luckily, everything was monitoring good enough so they let us go to have a relaxing weekend at the hotel and dinner with Jolie (my mommy-to-be friend) and her husband, Yuri.  We finished our stressful day with a nice relaxing night!   

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fluid Check Ultrasound, 28 weeks (7 months)

Today we went back to Loyola for our follow up ultrasound from last week.  As always, it was great to see our baby!  They thought the fluid appeared better but after measurements realized that it had gone down - from 11.9 last week to 9 today. :(  Unfortunately that means we need to come back in a week again for monitoring.  My doctor's office at Elmhurst Hospital called in the evening to review.  They advised to take it easy, drink fluid and I will be seen sooner for my regular appt so they can measure me.  I may need to go on bed rest! :(  We will know more after my visit.  In the mean time, I'm going to relax and keep on drinking a ton of water.

Here is a picture from today.  Again, look hard - the baby looks to be laying on its side.  You can see half of the face - eye & nose...the face is smashed into the placenta they say!


Monday, December 26, 2011

We chose our Doula!

After much research and a great referral from another mom to be - Joli, we decided on our Doula!  Alyssa  Ruben will be joining us at the birth of our precious baby!  Alyssa has been a doula for 7+ years and has had 5 kids (the last two at home).  She is studying to be a midwife and will have completed that program and will be doing home births on her own next year!  We are pleased to have her in our life to share her education and allow us to understand this process from a natural and holistic prospective.  She will be joining us at during the labor and birthing process as well as prenatal visits, and helping us with nursing and cloth diapering when the baby comes home.  We are thrilled to have her!  Check out her blog at

Alyssa joined her two mommy's at a pelvic floor class at the Good Sam Wellness Center - where we also do our prenatal aqua!  This is all of us on our way out! 

Joli, Alyssa & Aimee 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Time

The baby had a special first Christmas, celebrating with lots of friends and family.  Megan and Ally were with us during the half of the week leading up to Christmas and woke up Christmas morning at our house to find lots of goodies under the tree from Santa.  We had a very nice holiday!

On Christmas Eve night, Devin was able to look into my belly button, he said it was like a telescope in to see the baby.  Hmmm, he said the baby has boy hair but is wearing a girl shirt....and looks like Justin Beber! aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!  So, is it a boy or girl???  I guess we'll have to wait!  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Growth Ultrasound

We had our "growth" ultrasound today at Loyola.  Basically, they said at our last ultrasound that they wanted to see us back just to monitor the growth of the baby just because of my history.  It was great to see our little one.  We can't believe how much everything is growing.  The baby looks great and is measuring well, just on the smaller side (39th percentile)...big surprise there! lol  We were also told that the fluid is on the lower side, so we'll have to return next Thursday to have it remeasured.  Here are the pictures we got - not the best, compared to what we saw, but at least it's something!

Profile of the face:

The full face, looking at you:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

26 Weeks and growing...and growing, and growing, etc!!!

Ok, I think the baby is hitting a growth spurt!  This belly is growing faster and faster now and the kicks are getting strong enough to bounce a book off from resting on my belly while reading.  We had another doctor appointment today and all was great.  I passed the glucose test and iron test with flying colors - who says you need steak or red meat for iron - it seems our iron is thriving on the prune juice! :)  Next appointment is Tues 12/20 for our 3rd trimester ultrasound, yay!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

6 Months!!!

24 weeks and the baby is moving around like crazy!  It's the best feeling I've ever felt...even when it's waking me up at night!  Today we went to the Elmhurst Tree Lighting fest and met mom, Erik and the boys up there.  We left early to meet Aunt Michelle to go see the original "Bells of St. Mary" at the theater but we had the wrong day!  Oh well - next week!  Bill, Aunt Michelle and I met up with Mom, Erik and the boys for dinner instead.  Everything is still going smooth and I'm feeling good - occasional hip and back pains but all is great!

 Look at Daddy...can't leave him out on this! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey...What's that line???

Out of the shower and getting ready for work…wait, what’s that line??  Oh, it’s happening – I have the vertical line on my belly!  It looks like my lower belly got a tan line in the shape of a piece of yarn…and the upper belly is just starting too.  Bill said he noticed it starting last week…wow, we’re moving right along!   

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Baby’s 1st Bear’s Game!

Baby & Mommy had a great time at Soldier Field!  It was great to see “G-Pa” who came in from San Diego to see the Bears beat the Chargers!  Thanks to Uncle Ed for joining us for the day and being a great host with his seats!  Thanks to Dad for coming to town and for the tickets…at least the baby got in free this year!  And, of course thanks to Bill “daddy” for taking such good care of us! J  Looking forward to another game next year --- we can already tell that the baby loves going!      

Baby & Mommy had a great time at Soldier Field!  It was great to see “G-Pa” who came in from San Diego to see the Bears beat the Chargers!  Thanks to Uncle Ed for joining us for the day and being a great host with his seats!  Thanks to Dad for coming to town and for the tickets…at least the baby got in free this year!  And, of course thanks to Bill “daddy” for taking such good care of us! J  Looking forward to another game next year --- we can already tell that the baby loves going!      

Thursday, November 17, 2011

22 weeks exactly --- Bare Belly from now on!

Feeling great and growing!  Belly is getting rounder by the day and the baby is moving all around every day!  I’m so in love with our pregnancy!  I have never felt more alive!   

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

21 weeks 5 days, 5th month Dr. Appointment

Today we were in to see Dr. Paige.  She was great!  We had our fastest appointment ever.  All is still looking good, she started with my belly measurements and I fall right into the normal measurements – yay!  She gave me the new orders for the glucose test again and an iron test as well as another order for another ultrasound at the end of the year…just for good measures.  Another happy day, all is looking great!   

Thursday, November 10, 2011

21 weeks exaclty...beware - some nude belly shots!

Moving right along!  We have the nursary started with wall paint, our rocker and the dresser/hutch.  We spend a lot of time in there rocking at night with books and music and have even fallen asleep in there!  We can't wait to have it complete with our little sweetie!

My belly is really changing so beware, we had to show it all off!

 The room is in its very begining stages.  I have to still get a matching slip cover for the chair and all the stuff for the bedding.  At least we have the hutch up and the pillow and valance from the bedding set!  It's still a great place for us to spend time at night! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I found my new addiction! Prenatal Aqua

I started my prenatal aqua class at Good Samaritan hospital and I absolutely love it!  I have been suffering from pelvic girdle pain and IT band pain down the side of my hips for too many weeks.  We have tried so many pillows, heat, yoga, massage, etc and have not been able to get it under control…until now!  I absolutely love the class and the way my body feels in the water.  The exercises are great and the other mommy’s-to-be are fantastic!  It is just what I needed and I’m excited that I have the clearance from my doc’s to do it!  It’s my addiction!    

Sunday, November 6, 2011

High Five to Daddy!

After weeks of me already feeling movements in my tummy, Auntie Renee sat patiently with her hand on my tummy after Sunday dinner and, YES, she felt the little dancer in my tummy!  That finally taught Bill the lesson of patience!  He then put his hand there and he got an immediate high-five from baby!  Now, he’s addicted and feels the baby all the time! J     

We started our Hypnobirthing Class!

What a great class!  I'm so glad we were able to take this class and learn new ways of meditation!  Being a fan of meditation for everyday life, I love learning new ways to incorporate Bill into the process.  We have found serenity in our nightly baby room routine and our calming baths but this is another wonderful routine that we share to connect with our sweet baby!  Class is very informative and helps to get past those stressful moments to get back to serenity and joy!  We are so in love with this baby!      

Saturday, October 29, 2011

19 weeks, 2 days - Baby's First Halloween Party

Ok, maybe we were not politically correct, but we had to go as Jay-Z and Beyonce!  My costume didn’t fit so I had to go with plan B and make up an outfit!  Oh well, it’s the thought that counts! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Halfway Ultrasound! 19 weeks exactly!

Once again, we’re back at Loyola for this appointment.  I have a level 2 ultrasound to make sure everything is measuring correctly and looking good.  Although today would be the day to see the sex organs, we decided to close our eyes during that part.  We don’t know if our little one is a boy or a girl and it doesn’t matter to us one bit either way, we’re just thrilled to have this little one!  All went great with the ultrasound and they confirmed that they did not see anything wrong!  YAY!  After the ultrasound one of the high risk doctors came in to talk.  This time it was Dr. Bessinger.  I can say, he did not have the best bedside manner and again scared me to death, but I guess that’s what they are suppose to do!  I’m going to stay positive and know that our little baby will be just fine!

Look how cute!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

18 weeks 3 days

Look how we're growing!  We are almost at the halfway point - time is really going a lot faster now!

Oops, the sign is off by one day - it's 18 weeks and 3 days!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

17 weeks 5 Days Monthly Dr. Appointment

Today we were able to meet with my doctor – Dr. MacDuff!  He went over all of my results from my tests and my glucose was good but I still have to take it again at the standard time to test once again, just to be sure.  My liver panel was back and I’m just waiting to hear how all my levels are off, like always – but, wait….nope – they are better than they’ve been in the last 3 years!!  My liver panels are all normal!!  It’s a good day!  Everything else was good and he went to listen to the heart beat and he found it right away.  The baby is big enough to hear it through the scar tissue!  No picture for today but all good news!   

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sweetest Day! Bambini has a GODFATHER!!!

It's Sweetest Day and we met Erik and the boys out to breakfast with grandma.  What a perfect time to ask.  With a special personalized sweetest day card, bambini asked to Erik to be the Godfather....and he said YES!  Yay!  Godparents are on board! 


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bambini Has a GODMOTHER!

While in New York for my class, we were able to meet up with Bill's cousin and my good friend, Laura!  We had dinner and popped the question - and she said YES!  Laura will be our little baby's Godmother!  Yay! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baby's First Airplane Ride - Off to NYC!

Time to head to New York City for a class and that means this is officially Bambini's 1st airplane ride!  Day one we had free time and got to hit the street..even though we got stuck in the rain for a while! 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Ugh! Still Spotting! 14 weeks 3 days

My nerves are fried!  Here we go again…every month – spotting!  I know the doctor said that all was most likely ok with my spotting but it just scares me to death.  We’re so lucky to have such great friends who come to the rescue with the ultrasound machine.  Patty & Larry took a look and guess what – ALL IS GOOD!  Yay!  Holy Mole, I can’t believe how much this little one is growing!  I can get some sleep now!  Thanks guys!! XOXO 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

14 weeks 2 days - Apple Fest in Lincoln Square

We spent the day at the Apple Fest in Lincoln Square.  Wow, I can't believe how much I love sweets these days!  The apple waffles, crepes and cookies were all delicious!  I had to wash it all down with some fresh Apple Cider!  I am officially wearing maternity jeans! 

After a long day it's nice to get comfy and hang out with my baby bump, pup and honey bunny!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

13 weeks 5 days, Monthly Dr. Appointment

Back to Elmhurst for our 3 month check up!  Today we saw Dr. Kim and she was really nice and thorough.  She ordered an early 1 hr glucose test and a full liver panel from the request of the high risk doctor with my liver history.  As for everything, all looks great and is still measuring perfect…even my belly!  Once again, she tried to hear a fetal heart rate and couldn’t find it through the scar tissue so she brought in the ultrasound machine.  It’s so great to see that little dancing baby!! She got another not so great picture, so here it is!  It's looking down at the baby with the head at the top, the body and both arms and legs.        

Thursday, September 8, 2011

12 weeks! Time for our First Trimester Screening!

Yay!  We are officially ending our 1st Trimester!!  Today was the 1st trimester screening with all of my labs and ultrasound at Loyola.  We are going to both Loyola and Elmhurst hospitals for the pregnancy.  I see my regular OB/GYN’s at Elmhurst and my High Risk Doc’s at Loyola.  Today we met with the director of High Risk (MFM), Dr. B.  He said that everything on the ultrasound was great and my labs were coming back great too!  Although the baby looks perfect at this point, they are still going to follow me because of a list of risks with my history.  Ok, better to be safe!  At this point, he is hoping for a good pregnancy and thinks I will be able to deliver at Elmhurst – YAY!!!   

Saturday, September 3, 2011

11 Weeks 1 Day - Time to Tell Our Secret!

Time to celebrate Tim & Cinthia’s wedding and yes, no more hiding it at this point!  We are excited that people are noticing but still nervous since I was just put back on a modified bed rest for spotting again! L  The doctors seem to think all will be fine, just no dancing for me!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Defiantly Growing! 10 weeks 3 Days

Yep, everything is being pushed up!  I’m showing for sure now…can we keep the secret for a little longer?  I doubt it!   

Saturday, August 27, 2011

10 weeks 2 days

Good Morning Again!  So, I have the same outfit on but does it look different?  I’m exactly two weeks further than my last photo!  Still feeling bloated up high…all of my organs and lovely scar tissue is being pushed up – but I love it!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st Official Dr. Appointment

We went in and saw Dr. Dary today for our first official prenatal doctor appointment.  Today is 10 weeks exactly!  Everything went really great.  All is measuring perfectly so far and we’re going to keep doing what we’re doing.  She tried to listed to the heartbeat with the handheld monitor but because I have so much low scar tissue from my first liver surgery, we couldn’t hear it…which worked out better because we got to take another look at the baby on the ancient little ultrasound machine in the office.  She saw little bambini’s heart beating perfectly so – again, all is good!  We got this little picture but it’s such an old little machine that it did not take a good picture!  That’s ok, still a perfect little one!  

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19, 2011 – Field Trip to see the Baby!

So, since we recently told Megan and Ally of our little secret, we thought it would be fun to show them!  We packed two cars with the Masi’s in one and the Albaracin’s in the other and we were off to have a scan with Larry!  He was able to show all of us our cute little baby that is actually starting to take shape and no longer looking like a curly tadpole! J   What a cute baby – if I must say so myself!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

8 weeks 2 days

So, my regular clothes are already getting snug in my hips!  My hips have been aching and my belly feels bloated and swollen!  Wow, so soon that my body is changing!  Can't imagine what it will look like in a few more months! 

 Good Morning and welcome to 8 weeks and 2 days!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2, 2011 - The most beautiful sight!

Our little one has a beating heart!  What an absolute relief!  Now it’s time to grow and get big and strong so we can meet you in March!   Tears of JOY!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011 - I have a funny feeling!

I'm not sure what's going on but I'm up at night with a bladder that won't sleep!  Hmmm, could it be? 

YES, it's a positive home pregnancy test! 

What a shock seeing we were not actually "trying" for this so soon after sending our little angel to heaven a couple months earlier, but WOW, THANK GOD...and Peter, our holistic practitioner for getting us to be able to get this positive test!!  So much for conception difficulty!