Monday, March 12, 2012

Ummm, I think my water just broke!

Last night was a late one.  After Sunday dinner, we came home and watched a movie until 1am.  After the movie, still not tired, I had the urge to clean the house - so I did.  After finally going to sleep around 3am, I awoke to cramps at 5am.  Now, I've been having cramps all day...and actually since the parade on Sat, but these felt different.  After about 30 minutes of knowing that the intensity was stronger, I woke Bill up to let him know that maybe, just maybe, this could be something.  After about 30 minutes, I thought that maybe we should try and go back to sleep - just in case we have a long day ahead.  I rolled over onto my side, with Bill behind me like a spoon and another strong cramp came with a pop sensation.  What the heck was that...I felt warm water in my pants and looked at Bill...Ummmm, I think my water just broke.  We laid in bed for a few minutes realizing that the tissues that he kept handing me were not enough, so we called the Dr. to report the news.  Thinking that we could labor at home for the day, we were disappointed to be told that we had to come to the hospital immediately to be monitored and could not stay at home.  We made our phone calls and got up to head to the hospital.  If we were not sure if my water broke, we were certainly sure when I stood up.  It was a mad rush to the shower so the floor did not get all wet, then in the shower was like you see in the movies - gusssshhhh!  Clear, warm water was all over the tub!  I've never seen my husband so frantic and excited.  We cleaned up and headed to the hospital.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is that.....the PLUG?

Yesterday was such an active day and my braxton hicks really got pushed into action with all of the walking at the Elmhurst St. Patty's Day Parade.  We walked a good hike down the prairie path with several stops for some breathing...I think that got something started.  I woke up this morning to tinkle and there was more than just that in the toilet.  OMG...I just lost my mucus plug!  In that panicked moment I called Bill into the bathroom to examine the evidence and upon many googled pictures, we had confirmation!  Wow, that means something may be coming soon!  How exciting!   

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Belly Cast - 37 weeks, 2 days

Great night with some of my closest girls!  We made a belly cast so I have something to remember my exact shape with our baby love in my belly!  We plan on designing it after it's all dry and having something great to display in our bedroom to keep this memory fresh as the years go by! 

Here are some pics of the night! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

FULL TERM!! 37 Weeks!

Today is a day to celebrate! :)  We have reached "Full Term" and it is officially safe for the baby to arrive at any time now! YAY!!  We had our weekly Dr. appointment with Dr. MacDuff and all is looking good.  The baby's amniotic fluid is good at 10cm and our blood work and cultures all came back perfect!  My blood pressure is great, and no protein so all the swelling is just regular late pregnancy stuff.  As of now I'm still not dilated but the cervix is starting to's a start! :)  We're really excited to meet our little one soon!  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our Baby Shower! 35 weeks 02-19-12

We are triple blessed with our 3 mom's throwing us a baby shower!  Not only did they give the baby fantastic gifts, but they also threw a beautiful event!  We are excited to be moving along and getting closer and it goes beyond words can express to share that joy with our friends and family!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

34 Weeks...Getting Close!

Yay!  We are at 34 weeks and the baby is probably around 4.75 lbs and 17 inches long!!  We will know for sure next week at our next baby check ultrasound.  Today we had another weekly Dr. check up and fluid check ultrasound.  All is well - the fluid is staying consistent at just over 9 and baby is very active still.  The pregnancy body is getting a little more difficult with the painful pelvic girdle pain and it's hard to get comfortable at night with the a sore pelvis, stuffy nose, shallow breaths and just trying to find a sleep position!  It is all very worth it and I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! 

Here's our 34 week pictures...Oh my! 


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our "Babymoon"...honeymoon before the baby!

Since we are nearing the end, and with our Dr. feedback, we decided that we would just do a weekend getaway close to home in Geneva, IL.  We stayed at one of our favorite little places...The Herrington Inn, on the Fox River.  We had a GREAT time.  We had a beautiful room with a balcony over the river, fireplace, large jacuzzi tub, milk and cookies at turn down and all the perfect touches for a great stay.  We enjoyed the perfect lunch at Bien Trucha, then shopped all around town at the cute little shops, stopped in the All Chocolate Kitchen for some delicious truffles (and Bill's favorite coffee).  We enjoyed an evening in with Thai food and our milk and cookies for dessert!  The next morning we enjoyed a great breakfast at Nosh, did some more shopping and another trip to the All Chocolate Kitchen for blueberry cobbler and coffee again for Bill.  We finished our trip with a gong bath meditation and Earth Fest events at the Peaceful Parlor.  It was the perfect relaxing weekend!    


Thursday, January 26, 2012

32 Weeks - 8 months!!

We're so happy to be at 32 weeks..."the safe zone".  The baby is moving a lot and has been in a new position in the past few days.  The baby is still head down but is presently back down so it's neat to see little hands and feet stretching out in my belly. 

We saw Dr. MacDuff again today.  They changed plans mid week to plan for in office ultrasounds once a week instead of the non-stress tests to check the amniotic fluid index (AFI).  Today my AFI was about the same as last week 9.8.  I'm still drinking a lot and they will continue to watch it to make sure it's good.  We'll be back next Thursday. 

Here's our updated pics...belly is getting BIG!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

31 Week Dr Visit & Ultrasound!

We're moving right along and starting to count down the days!  I just can't wait to have this little baby here in our arms.  We had our doctor appointment and are happy that everything is going well.  My fundal height is right on at 31 centimeters, my blood pressure is great and my weight gain for the pregnancy is at 22.5 lbs....although feels like 100 lbs at times! :)

We then went to our ultrasound at Loyola and the baby is looking good and is measuring 3.6 lbs!  The amniotic fluid is back down to a lower number (9), but they assured me that all was looking good and to just slow down and continue to drink like a fish!  We will be going in for weekly non-stress tests so they can make sure the baby is doing great and fluid is staying up.  I'll also have another ultrasound in 1 month. 

Here's another side laying face shot of our cute chubby cheeks baby!  The little circle on the top, right of the picture is actually a little foot behind the head.  Our little yogi is flexible already! 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A sneak peek at our photo shoot!

My precious little baby
I have loved you from the start.
You are a tiny miracle
laying closely to my heart.
Each day I feel your presence,
each day you quickly grow.
Each day your heart beats softly,
as only I could know.
So I’ll keep this in a special place,
and remember each year through,
of this very special time of life,
the months I carried you.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 Weeks - A BIG Day!!

Today we are 30 weeks! Yay!  Today is also the first good snow fall for us and I didn't even have to leave the house...that's a relief.  Our friends Joli and Yuri also welcomed their new little girl, Eli, into the world this morning with the help of our doula, Alyssa.  All is good! :)

Take a peek at this growing belly!  WOW!

    The Nursery is Starting to Come Together!  We got our New Glider, Recliner...Shanti loves to rest on my belly and read or sing songs to the baby too!
                                 A generous gift from Nana...Our Convertible Antiqued Black Crib!

A Generous Gift From Grandma...our beautiful black hutch, changer, dresser where baby is going to to get to use the generous gift from G-Ma; a cloth diaper service to keep baby's bottom happy and mommy & daddy stress free from stinky laundry! :)
                     Hmmmm, what's going to happen when she's not the baby of the family anymore???

Thursday, January 5, 2012

29 Weeks - 7 months & 1 week!

We had our follow up ultrasound today and YAY, my fluid is up to a 12!  I've been drinking like a fish and the baby has been bouncing all around, so we are at a much better number!  I've just got to learn how to slow down and put my feet up more ofter...Dr's orders! :)

Here's a picture of the little baby face, laying on the side again...WHY must they always get a picture that is creepy?  He/She looks like the Joker in this one!  Oh well, we love this little Joker so much no matter what!

Look how my belly is changing!

Baby is head down and in a good position to grow for another 8+ weeks!
                                                    Showing off my beautiful liver scar! :)