Thursday, January 19, 2012

31 Week Dr Visit & Ultrasound!

We're moving right along and starting to count down the days!  I just can't wait to have this little baby here in our arms.  We had our doctor appointment and are happy that everything is going well.  My fundal height is right on at 31 centimeters, my blood pressure is great and my weight gain for the pregnancy is at 22.5 lbs....although feels like 100 lbs at times! :)

We then went to our ultrasound at Loyola and the baby is looking good and is measuring 3.6 lbs!  The amniotic fluid is back down to a lower number (9), but they assured me that all was looking good and to just slow down and continue to drink like a fish!  We will be going in for weekly non-stress tests so they can make sure the baby is doing great and fluid is staying up.  I'll also have another ultrasound in 1 month. 

Here's another side laying face shot of our cute chubby cheeks baby!  The little circle on the top, right of the picture is actually a little foot behind the head.  Our little yogi is flexible already! 

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