Monday, March 12, 2012

Ummm, I think my water just broke!

Last night was a late one.  After Sunday dinner, we came home and watched a movie until 1am.  After the movie, still not tired, I had the urge to clean the house - so I did.  After finally going to sleep around 3am, I awoke to cramps at 5am.  Now, I've been having cramps all day...and actually since the parade on Sat, but these felt different.  After about 30 minutes of knowing that the intensity was stronger, I woke Bill up to let him know that maybe, just maybe, this could be something.  After about 30 minutes, I thought that maybe we should try and go back to sleep - just in case we have a long day ahead.  I rolled over onto my side, with Bill behind me like a spoon and another strong cramp came with a pop sensation.  What the heck was that...I felt warm water in my pants and looked at Bill...Ummmm, I think my water just broke.  We laid in bed for a few minutes realizing that the tissues that he kept handing me were not enough, so we called the Dr. to report the news.  Thinking that we could labor at home for the day, we were disappointed to be told that we had to come to the hospital immediately to be monitored and could not stay at home.  We made our phone calls and got up to head to the hospital.  If we were not sure if my water broke, we were certainly sure when I stood up.  It was a mad rush to the shower so the floor did not get all wet, then in the shower was like you see in the movies - gusssshhhh!  Clear, warm water was all over the tub!  I've never seen my husband so frantic and excited.  We cleaned up and headed to the hospital.


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