Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baby's First Airplane Ride - Off to NYC!

Time to head to New York City for a class and that means this is officially Bambini's 1st airplane ride!  Day one we had free time and got to hit the street..even though we got stuck in the rain for a while! 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Ugh! Still Spotting! 14 weeks 3 days

My nerves are fried!  Here we go again…every month – spotting!  I know the doctor said that all was most likely ok with my spotting but it just scares me to death.  We’re so lucky to have such great friends who come to the rescue with the ultrasound machine.  Patty & Larry took a look and guess what – ALL IS GOOD!  Yay!  Holy Mole, I can’t believe how much this little one is growing!  I can get some sleep now!  Thanks guys!! XOXO 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

14 weeks 2 days - Apple Fest in Lincoln Square

We spent the day at the Apple Fest in Lincoln Square.  Wow, I can't believe how much I love sweets these days!  The apple waffles, crepes and cookies were all delicious!  I had to wash it all down with some fresh Apple Cider!  I am officially wearing maternity jeans! 

After a long day it's nice to get comfy and hang out with my baby bump, pup and honey bunny!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

13 weeks 5 days, Monthly Dr. Appointment

Back to Elmhurst for our 3 month check up!  Today we saw Dr. Kim and she was really nice and thorough.  She ordered an early 1 hr glucose test and a full liver panel from the request of the high risk doctor with my liver history.  As for everything, all looks great and is still measuring perfect…even my belly!  Once again, she tried to hear a fetal heart rate and couldn’t find it through the scar tissue so she brought in the ultrasound machine.  It’s so great to see that little dancing baby!! She got another not so great picture, so here it is!  It's looking down at the baby with the head at the top, the body and both arms and legs.        

Thursday, September 8, 2011

12 weeks! Time for our First Trimester Screening!

Yay!  We are officially ending our 1st Trimester!!  Today was the 1st trimester screening with all of my labs and ultrasound at Loyola.  We are going to both Loyola and Elmhurst hospitals for the pregnancy.  I see my regular OB/GYN’s at Elmhurst and my High Risk Doc’s at Loyola.  Today we met with the director of High Risk (MFM), Dr. B.  He said that everything on the ultrasound was great and my labs were coming back great too!  Although the baby looks perfect at this point, they are still going to follow me because of a list of risks with my history.  Ok, better to be safe!  At this point, he is hoping for a good pregnancy and thinks I will be able to deliver at Elmhurst – YAY!!!   

Saturday, September 3, 2011

11 Weeks 1 Day - Time to Tell Our Secret!

Time to celebrate Tim & Cinthia’s wedding and yes, no more hiding it at this point!  We are excited that people are noticing but still nervous since I was just put back on a modified bed rest for spotting again! L  The doctors seem to think all will be fine, just no dancing for me!