Saturday, October 29, 2011

19 weeks, 2 days - Baby's First Halloween Party

Ok, maybe we were not politically correct, but we had to go as Jay-Z and Beyonce!  My costume didn’t fit so I had to go with plan B and make up an outfit!  Oh well, it’s the thought that counts! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Halfway Ultrasound! 19 weeks exactly!

Once again, we’re back at Loyola for this appointment.  I have a level 2 ultrasound to make sure everything is measuring correctly and looking good.  Although today would be the day to see the sex organs, we decided to close our eyes during that part.  We don’t know if our little one is a boy or a girl and it doesn’t matter to us one bit either way, we’re just thrilled to have this little one!  All went great with the ultrasound and they confirmed that they did not see anything wrong!  YAY!  After the ultrasound one of the high risk doctors came in to talk.  This time it was Dr. Bessinger.  I can say, he did not have the best bedside manner and again scared me to death, but I guess that’s what they are suppose to do!  I’m going to stay positive and know that our little baby will be just fine!

Look how cute!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

18 weeks 3 days

Look how we're growing!  We are almost at the halfway point - time is really going a lot faster now!

Oops, the sign is off by one day - it's 18 weeks and 3 days!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

17 weeks 5 Days Monthly Dr. Appointment

Today we were able to meet with my doctor – Dr. MacDuff!  He went over all of my results from my tests and my glucose was good but I still have to take it again at the standard time to test once again, just to be sure.  My liver panel was back and I’m just waiting to hear how all my levels are off, like always – but, wait….nope – they are better than they’ve been in the last 3 years!!  My liver panels are all normal!!  It’s a good day!  Everything else was good and he went to listen to the heart beat and he found it right away.  The baby is big enough to hear it through the scar tissue!  No picture for today but all good news!   

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sweetest Day! Bambini has a GODFATHER!!!

It's Sweetest Day and we met Erik and the boys out to breakfast with grandma.  What a perfect time to ask.  With a special personalized sweetest day card, bambini asked to Erik to be the Godfather....and he said YES!  Yay!  Godparents are on board! 


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bambini Has a GODMOTHER!

While in New York for my class, we were able to meet up with Bill's cousin and my good friend, Laura!  We had dinner and popped the question - and she said YES!  Laura will be our little baby's Godmother!  Yay!